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IHSS Provider Enrollment Process

All individuals who want to become an eligible IHSS provider are required to complete ALL of the following:

  1. Attend an on-site, in-person provider orientation to obtain information about IHSS rules and requirements for being a provider. To attend an orientation session please click on the link below to see schedule:
    • Provider Orientation Sessions are available at several locations throughout Los Angeles County. Prospective providers can call the IHSS help line at 1-888-822-9622 to be scheduled for an orientation session. Although walk-ins are welcomed, you are encouraged to make an appointment to ensure entry to the orientation session.
Burbank (562) 286-8422 Lancaster (661) 424-7849
Chatsworth (818) 450-0241 Metro (213) 947-4591
El Monte (626) 380-4960 Pomona (909) 752-9402
Hawthorne (310) 943-2125 Rancho Dominguez (310) 943-0361

2. Complete and sign the SOC 426 – IHSS Provider Enrollment Form available in English Spanish Armenian Chinese. The form must be submitted to the county in person

3. Submit original documentation verifying the prospective provider’s identity (e.g. current/unexpired government issued photo identification and social security card) must be provided to the county for photocopying.

4. Complete and sign the SOC 846 – Provider Enrollment Agreement available in English Spanish Armenian Chinese at the Provider Orientation Session. The SOC 846 states that the prospective provider understands and agrees to the rules of the IHSS program and the responsibilities of being an IHSS provider; and

5. Submit your fingerprints in an Approved Los Angeles County Live Scan Location and undergo a Criminal Background Investigation (CBI) from the Department of Justice. The provider is responsible for paying for this service.

Note: Prospective providers cannot be enrolled and receive payment as IHSS providers until ALL of the above requirements have been completed, including undergoing a CBI.

CBI packets can be downloaded by clicking one of the languages below. Please take it with you to an approved live scan location.

English          Spanish          Armenian          Chinese          Tagalog

Russian         Cambodian    Vietnamese      Korean           Farsi