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Helpful Phone Numbers

  • In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Telephone Applications: 888-944-IHSS (toll-free within Los Angeles County only) or 213-744-IHSS
    This toll-free number is available for individuals to apply for IHSS over the telephone. Staff will take application information at the central site and forward the information to the appropriate IHSS Area Office for follow-up which will include a home call and services assessment.
  • Long Term Care Ombudsman: 800-231-4024
    Provides adult protective intervention/investigation for adults age 18 and older who live in board and care facilities and nursing facilities. Services are targeted, but not restricted, to senior citizens age 60 and older who are long-term care recipients. There are no geographic restrictions.
  • Los Angeles County Fraud Hotline: 800-349-9970
    A special 24-hour Fraud Hotline provides citizens of Los Angeles County with a hotline to report any kind of fraud against the County, including welfare fraud. Callers reporting welfare fraud on the hotline may request a reward. All reports are handled in the strictest confidence, and callers may remain anonymous. Welfare fraud may also be reported to We-Tip at 1-800-873-7283 or 1-800-782-7463. Callers to We-Tip also may request a reward.
  • Medi-Cal: 877-597-4777
    This toll free number is available to the public for questions about general Medi-Cal eligibility, and the Specified Low- Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) program. Hotline hours are Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm, and assistance is available in both English and Spanish.
  • Public HELP Line: 877-481-1044
    Receives public and agency phone calls requesting assistance and information related to the administration of public assistance programs. This includes responding to inquiries from welfare agencies, nationwide, for case clearance and benefit information. Services are available Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm.
  • Adult Protective Services and Elder Abuse Hotline: 877-477-3646
    Investigates reports of alleged endangerment to adults aged 18 and older who have severe mental or physical disabilities or are in extremely poor health to the extent that they are unable to remove the danger or remove themselves from the danger — or to people age 65 and older who suffer from physical or emotional abuse, abandonment or neglect.
  • LA County Health & Nutrition Hotline: 877-597-4777
    Provides information and referral services for people who need help obtaining health care.
  • Info Line (Information & Referral): 800-339-6993
    This toll-free number is for questions about the IHSS program or about the Personal Assistance Services Council, which is the IHSS Public Authority in Los Angeles County.