If disaster strikes, are you prepared?
Preparing for disaster will help to provide better protection for yourself and cope better in an emergency situation. Sometimes when a disaster strikes, there is not enough time to act. By preparing now, you will better secure your safety.
- Water – 1 gallon of water per person per day for at least 3 days
- Food – at least a 3-day supply of non-perishable food and a non-electric can-opener
- Battery powered or hand crank radio – be sure to store extra batteries
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Whistle to signal for help
- Dust mask to help filter contaminated air
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
- Local maps
- Blankets
- Change of clothing, sturdy shoes, and raingear
- Pet food, extra water and supplies for your pet service animal
- Prescription medciations – extra supply
- Supplies for your individual disability needs – extra hearing aid batteries, eyeglasses, hearing aids, wheelchair batteries and battery chargers, oxygen, style and serial number of medical devices like pacemakers, a laminated personal communication board if you might need assistance in communicating with others, etc.
- Extra copies of your medical insurance, Medicare cards, list of physicians, list of your allergies, and medical history
- Copies of wills, power of attorney documents, deeds, social security numbers, bank account information, and tax records in a waterproof container
Make a Plan - Create a personal support network – Talk to your friends and family members about your emergency plan including a relative in another area who will not be affected by the same emergency who can help.
- Develop a family communication plan – in the event of a disaster where local phone lines are not functional – it may be easier for you and your family members to contact relatives in distant areas to let them know you are safe.
- In case of evacuation – plan how you will get away and where you will go. Choose several areas close to work and/or home in different directions in case some locations are affected by the disaster and not accessible.
- In case of fire – plan 2 ways to exit every room in case of fire. Check for bookcases, pictures, or lights that could fall and block the exit. Secure or remove objects that could block your path.
For more information, please contact:
Red Cross – Los Angeles Region Chapter Headquarters West Los Angeles District 11355 Ohio Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone (310)445-9900 Toll-free – 1-800-REDCROSS ( 1-800-733-2767) Email – Outreach.LosAngeles.CA@redcross.org www.redcross.org