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IHSS Consumer Corps

The IHSS Consumer Corps Are Back! Get Involved Today!

Join other IHSS consumers and build a community, talk with other consumers about IHSS and issues that affect your life. Share your concerns and learn about other consumers’ concerns as well. Engage with other consumers and improve your health and well-being. With so many changes in IHSS about to happen, now is the time to get involved. Let us know you are interested.

Get Involved in Consumer Corps:

Every day, elected officials, agencies, and others make decisions that affect your life and your community. You know that some of these decisions are good and sometimes these decisions create problems for you.

1) Get involved and be your own ADVOCATE!

    • Learn about issues
    • Connect with others to talk about issues, your interests, and concerns
    • Build a network around your issues, hopes, and dreams
    • Let decision-makers know how their decisions affect you

2) Your voice matters and your opinion is valued! Make sure to get registered to vote!

3) Learn about the issues from PASC and other resources:

      • Regular IHSS-related calls
      • CICA hosts their Statewide call every third Wednesday of the month. January 25, 2024. Follow the link for further details:

 IHSS-Related and Long Term Services and Supports Websites:

 4) Here are 2 ways to find out who your state legislators are. Keep their name and phone numbers to use them again.

    • By phone: Call 1-888-868-3762 (Project Vote Smart), give them your 9-digit zip code (your zip code plus 4)
    • By internet: Go to and click on Assembly Member Addresses and then click on “Find Your Legislator by your address,” Enter your address, and the names of your Assembly Member and your State Senator will come up.

You can get involved by contacting Liliana at (626) 737-7522, by email, or completing the form below.