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PASC provides free training and seminars for IHSS consumers and providers in L.A. County, giving them an opportunity to learn more about IHSS, managing their care, improving their health, and taking care of each other.

Below is a summary of the training and seminars currently offered by PASC. For additional information on dates and locations, please call us at 877-565-4477 or visit the Calendar section of this website.


PASC Seminars

Consumer – Directed:

PASC’s Consumer-Directed Seminars help IHSS consumers learn how to better manage their care and navigate the IHSS system. These seminars are typically led by facilitators who are themselves IHSS consumers, and who have experience dealing with IHSS-related issues.

How to Hire and Train Homecare Providers: Learn tips on how to hire and train a homecare provider who best meets your needs.

Directing Your Medical Care: Learn how to prepare for doctor visits, how to get the results you want, and how to work with your doctor to complete required IHSS forms.

How to Make the Best of Your IHSS Experience: Learn strategies and tips on saving time and money as an IHSS consumer.

Getting the IHSS Hours You Need: Learn how IHSS hours are determined, get tips on how to prepare for an IHSS assessment, and information on the IHSS appeals process.

Healthy Lifestyle:

PASC’s Healthy Lifestyle Seminars provide consumers, homecare workers, and other interested individuals with information on a variety of health-related topics. PASC partners with healthcare organizations and professionals to provide these seminars.


PASC’s Provider Seminars give homecare workers tips and techniques for caring for their consumers and caring for themselves. PASC partners with healthcare organizations and professionals to provide these seminars.

How to Safely Assist Consumers with Lifting and Transferring: Learn how to lift or transfer a person who cannot move him/herself from a wheelchair or bed using a Hoyer lift or sliding board.

Universal Precautions: Learn how to protect yourself and your consumer from contagious diseases including colds, flu, Hepatitis B and HIV.

PASC Back-Up Program Training: This 8-hour online training for Back-Up Program Attendants intends to teach providers the basics of certain IHSS-authorized paramedical services. The main topics of the course will be infection control, the basics of body mechanics, indwelling catheter care, tube feeding, respiratory care, tracheotomy care, suctioning, wound care, and among others. The course is taught at an elementary level for participants with minimal or no formal health care background or training, by an instructor with a nursing background. This 8-hour training is specifically designed for home care providers who are interested in working with the PASC Back-Up Attendant Program (BUAP).

Training and seminars are provided in a class setting, online, and through PASC TeleWorkshops. Check our Calendar for dates, times, and locations!