You can update your availability at
- Your username will be the first 6 digits of your social security number, plus the first two letters of your first name, and the first two letters of your last name. The letters will be lowercase.
- Example: First six digits of your SSN is 123456 and your name is Carmen Sanchez, so your username will be 123456casa
- Your password will be your last name with the first letter capitalized.
- Example: Sanchez
- Once you login, you must hit Edit and either update and save changes in each section, or mark them Reviewed No Changes.
*If you are not able to update your availability online, please call us at 818-206-7000.
**Please be sure to update your profile every month to keep your profile active and current. If you have not updated with PASC regularly (in the last 30 days) and/or on then you will be listed as not available and you will not be allowed to update online. You must call PASC to update your availability and/or status.